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The Pediatrician and Nursery Parents Sharing Session was a complete success!


Thanks to every parent and friend who participated in the sharing session! Thanks to Jinghu Hospital, Mr. Huang Guofeng, the attending doctor of Pediatrics Department of Jinghu Hospital, Fubei Nursery and Little Pencil Nursery!  


During the sharing session, Dr. Huang explained clearly the various related symptoms and precautions of hand, foot and mouth disease, and also answered various precautions related to the new coronavirus, various symptoms of influenza, and influenza vaccination. The parents at the scene responded enthusiastically, and they directly communicated with Dr. Huang on the scene of various imposing doubts that the children encountered in health problems and life growth. They were all given professional explanations and thoughtful guidance from Dr. Huang.


At the same time, Director Wang of the Little Pencil Nursery also shared many years of parenting experience and various examples encountered in work for parents, which was recognized by parents and Doctor Huang. In this sharing session, nurseries, doctors and parents all said that each has something to learn.


The Macau Childcare Association will hold more sharing sessions, and strive to bring more communication opportunities for local parents of children, and provide better help for parenting. Finally, thanks to Little Pencil Nursery for providing the venue and other equipment for the smooth completion of the exchange session.

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© 2021 AI Education Limited

Nursery 2832 3351,  Education Center/Tutorial Center 6551 7333, 6881 3309, 

Playground 2843 5954,  Restaurant 2884 1685

No. 180-190, G/F and First Floor, Block G, No. 180-190, Tower One, Royal View Bay, Majiao Shek Street, Macau  F: 2852 9692 

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